Tech Solutions
De missie van MolenGeek is om technologie toegankelijk te maken voor iedereen. Sinds de oprichting heeft MolenGeek met veel bedrijven samengewerkt om de kloof tussen werkgevers en jong talent te helpen overbruggen.
MolenGeek creëerde SideGeek, om u te helpen toegang te krijgen tot die talenten. Deze oplossing is voor bedrijven zoals u die creatieve en gedurfde talenten, opgeleid door MolenGeek, willen inhuren.
MolenGeek’s talent kandidaten hebben vaak verschillende academische en sociale achtergronden, wat betekent dat ze een unieke diversiteit en rijkdom naar de werkplek brengen.
Door talenten met een andere achtergrond en mentaliteit in uw teams op te nemen, weerspiegelt u de huidige maatschappij. Uw product en diensten worden aangepast aan een grotere markt in onze samenleving.
SideGeek allows talent to become familiar with the company's processes from the beginning, facilitating their integration.
Our onboarding process aims to establish a privileged relationship between talents and your company.
Working with individuals who are new to the field allows for instilling good practices and facilitating their adaptation.
SideGeek offers a personalized onboarding experience that increases the likelihood that talent will stay longer.
Content Creator RTBF
Marketing Automation Consultant Forward
Associate Success Guide at Salesforce
Cloud Architect at UDDAN
IT Consultant at ITQ
Sinds de lancering van MolenGeek is ons doel duidelijk: toekomstige generaties opleiden in digitale vaardigheden, ongeacht hun eerdere academische achtergrond. Wij zijn er trots op honderdduizenden studenten met uiteenlopende achtergronden te hebben opgeleid.
Dankzij onze unieke onderwijsmethode, die theorie en praktijk combineert, hebben onze studenten sterke technologische vaardigheden ontwikkeld.
Ze hebben ook een onwrikbare vastberadenheid ontwikkeld om te slagen in dit boeiende vakgebied.
Het verheugt ons te kunnen melden dat meer dan 85% van onze studenten na hun opleiding bij MolenGeek werk hebben gevonden in de technologiesector.
SideGeek allows companies to have privileged access to talent that matches your requirements
By allowing companies to train and mold talent to their specific needs, SideGeek accelerates
SideGeek allows talent to become familiar with the company's processes from the beginning
Front & Backend development Ex- Student of MolenGeek Ex- Student of MolenGeek
Content Creator - Growth Hacker
Soc Analyst
Cloud Specialist
Content Creator - Growth Hacker
Content Creator - Growth Hacker
Content Creator - Growth Hacker
Providing the best IT solutions for non-IT businesses.
We are a creative & full-service digital marketing agency.
Infetech has the best smart security systems in the world.
We create vibrant, intuitive and minimalist web designs.
Help to gain flexible analytical insights out of their data.
There are various successful projects from IT strategy consulting to the end-to-end development of scalable solutions made by our creative and experienced IT professionals.
Aleesha Smith
Senior Designer
Infetech is a a professional IT Company that always creates quality software for clients. If you are looking for a team of talent developers to find out the best IT solutions, Infetech is a company that your team should consider.
Peek Thakul
Governer Of Canada
Infetech is a professional IT Company that always creates quality software for clients. If you are looking for a team of talent developers to find out the best IT solutions, Infetech is a company that your team should consider.
Mike Hardson
Senior Designer
Infetech is a a professional IT Company that always creates quality software for clients. If you are looking for a team of talent developers to find out the best IT solutions, Infetech is a company that your team should consider.
Aleesha Smith
Senior Designer
Infetech is a a professional IT Company that always creates quality software for clients. If you are looking for a team of talent developers to find out the best IT solutions, Infetech is a company that your team should consider.
Peek Thakul
Governer Of Canada
Infetech is a professional IT Company that always creates quality software for clients. If you are looking for a team of talent developers to find out the best IT solutions, Infetech is a company that your team should consider.
Mike Hardson
Senior Designer
Infetech is a a professional IT Company that always creates quality software for clients. If you are looking for a team of talent developers to find out the best IT solutions, Infetech is a company that your team should consider.
Aleesha Smith
Senior Designer
Infetech is a a professional IT Company that always creates quality software for clients. If you are looking for a team of talent developers to find out the best IT solutions, Infetech is a company that your team should consider.